За преподавателя: Поставете сензор за допир, без да използвате инструкции Pro Preview

Какво е разрешено и какво не при построяване на робота без инструкции.

  • #432
  • 03 May 2017
  • 2:59

Използвайте греди

Обикновено учениците предпочитат да използват оси, когато строят роботите си. Покажете им алтернатива – покажете им как да строят с греди.

Позициониране на сензора

Оставете учениците да строят, както пожелаят. Сензорът може да бъде поставен навсякъде върху робота, стига да сочи напред и да е извън рамката на робота.


A few notes for the teacher on how based on our experience of course most of the students will add this sensor to the front of the robot. Few things to note here. First, when they have this task most of the students will try to extend the construction with axles either with a gray one or a black one because it's easy to do this with an axle but a more durable way is to use beams. Don't stop them but just have in mind that the students that are starting with an axle will probably at the end have a construction not that durable or it will take them more time to add the touch sensor to the front of the robot. The other thing is that you can add the sensors at different places at the front of the robot. You can even for the next few sessions, for the next few videos you can even add the sensor at the top of the robot. Now, it's preferable if you don't stop the students if the decide to add the sensor at a different position even on the top of the robot. Why? Because that's a part of their imagination and they'll try, they'll come up with different solutions and it's interesting then to discuss this solution. But as a general rule the touch sensor should not be inside the frame of the robot because the idea of the touch sensor is that when you move it can actually touch things at the front. And if the sensor is inside the frame of the robot, it will be the robot first bumping at the wall and the sensor will not be able to bump. If of course you do not extend the sensor but that's a topic for some of the next videos. Probably the most difficult thing that the student will have to solve now, the most difficult task is how to change the direction of the holes of the different beams. So, in this case you can think of the beam as facing up and how do you using some of the parts in the set change this direction with a couple of other beams so that at the end it will face left or right. So, it's horizontal instead of vertical. And this will be something difficult for most of the students but at the end in about 10-15 minutes probably they'll come up with a solution. If you have a student that have accomplished this in a very short time, you can give them a more complex task to make this longer or to make this higher so that they could keep up with the rest of the group.

Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок

Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.

Image for EV3 Phi. Introduction to robotics with LEGO Mindstorms
  • 92
  • 220:20
  • 36
Image for Ниво A - Въведение - Роботика с LEGO
  • 142
  • 133:42
  • 187
Image for Занятие 6 - Сензор за допир
  • 10
  • 3
  • 6
  • 3d_rotation 0
Image for Роботика с LEGO - Ниво 1.0 - Приключение в Космоса
  • 126
  • 123:52
  • 150
Image for Занятие 4 - В тъмните тунели на Марс; Сензор за допир
  • 12
  • 3
  • 7
  • 3d_rotation 1
Image for Python за EV3 LEGO Mindstorms - ниво 2
  • 39
  • 19:58
  • 93
Image for Занятие 6 - Aвтоматизирана прахосмукачка
  • 5
  • 4
  • 8
  • 3d_rotation 1
Image for Python за EV3 LEGO Mindstorms - ниво 2
  • 39
  • 19:58
  • 93