SP040. 2019-05-15

TL;DR; Summary by Kiril

We've completed 4 new lessons that are part of the curriculum. They are now available at https://www.fllcasts.com/teach-at-school/robotics-stem-lesson-plans-and-curriculum/. FLL-7.0 is on its way and we are almost ready for publishing it. There are a lot of small, but important improvements in the Groups that will allow coordinators and teachers to create and manage groups. Content creators could upload their building instructions and will receive information on what parts are missing.  

Table of contents

Statistics Number of cards: 81 Number of comments: 338 Number of comments with result 81


[Curriculum-1.0] Create a robot for lesson 4 from 3.5

The robot Voli was created and his instructions uploaded to fllcasts at: https://fllcasts.com/materials/761-voli-lego-mindstorms-ev3-robot-measuring-volume

He still waits for his thumbnail, but he'll be ready for you very soon. Voli.png

[Curriculum-1.0] Add two parts to Rollbar robot

Improved aesthetics of the Rollbar robot! https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/757-rollbar-a-lego-mindstorms-ev3-distance-measuring-robot

[Curriculum-1.0] Create coin detection robot for lesson 5 in 3.5

Link: https://fllcasts.com/materials/783-scrooge-mcrobot-lego-mindstorms-ev3-coin-counting-robot The robot Scrooge McRobot was created and his instructions uploaded. A thumbnail will be added soon and he will be ready to go.


[Curriculum-1.0] Material 465 has an empty step and this empty step should be removed

The empty step in the Norbits' instructions was removed.

Link: https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/465-norbit-a-lego-ev3-tank?ref=1504


[Curriculum-1.0] Create lesson 4 from 3.5.

Lesson 4 Surface and Volume Meter is now part of course Measuring tools. We learn how to measure the volume of the room in an attempt to answer some interesting questions asked in Google interviews.

Link to lesson: https://fllcasts.com/course_sections/755

Link to course: https://fllcasts.com/courses/34-robotics-with-lego-level-3-5-measuring-tools

[Curriculum-1.0] Change the centimeters to litres in Lesson 2 of 3.5

All references to the fuel measurement ware converted from cm to liters in lesson 2 from course 3.5.

[Curriculum-1.0] Create lesson 3 from 3.5.

Lesson 3 Curved path meter is now part of course Measuring tools.

We discuss metric system of units and conversions between inches feet and meters. The length of a curved line can be measured in the end of the lesson.

[Curriculum-1.0] 3.5 lesson 2 Aftermath

The first lesson that uses balloons with EV3 robots is improved now. The robot was simplified to be with fewer steps. A pair of reminders about the balloons were added in the current and the earlier lesson.

[Curriculum-1.0] Level D2 Lesson 3

Thumbnail for lesson 3 level D2

Created the third lesson in level D2. The topic of the lesson is making a Steam ship robot to learn about Gyro sensor. The students have tasks for exploring the right position for a ship in a storm. For now it is still mostly in bulgarian, but it will be translated. link to the lesson

[Curriculum-1.0] D2 Lesson 4

Thumbnail for lesson 4 level D2

Created the fourth lesson in level D2. The topic of the lesson is making a Yacht robot to learn about Gyro sensor. The students have variant tasks for making the yacht smarter with its controls. For now it is still mostly in bulgarian, but it will be translated. link to the lesson

[Curriculum-1.0] Add programs to all robots from D1

Added programs for all the robots from level D1:

Program for the EV3 Clam robot Midas

Program for the EV3 fish robot Piscis

Program for the EV3 scorpion robot Antares

Program for the EV3 Kiwi bird robot Lintu

Program for the EV3 T-Rex chasing a car robot

Program for the EV3 Ram robot Hrutur

Program for the EV3 Frog robot

[Curriculum-1.0] Create tag MyBlocks

There is a tag called "My blocks", you can find it here:


My Block Thumbnail

[Curriculum-1.0, Thumbnail] Robot 757 needs a new picture



[FLL, Summer camps] Research FLL into orbit robot game rules

Checked and got the jist of the robot game from:

[FLL-7.0] Add steps and rotations to material 755

The material is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/755-carnival-lego-mindstorms-ev3-competition-box-robot

[FLL-7.0] Incorporate tips and tricks from Into Orbit into the into orbit course

After discussion we decided that there are Four basic things that help a lot when you are a competitor in the FIRST Lego League. We have described them in this tutorial

[FLL-7.0] Rebuild the nightbeast attachments with a branded suv box robot as a base

The box robot which is used for the attachments is rebuild and branded. You can see it in : Attachment for Run 1

Attachment for Run 2

Attachment for Run 3

Attachment for Run 4

Attachment for Run 5

Sp39: [IRT-2.0] Access to Robopartans Methodology of teaching in robotics classes - tutorials access to school subscription

The access to the methodology is now set to FLLCasts School One Year Subscription. People subscribing to Remote Instructor training for LEGO robotics with EV3 have access to those materials.

[Learn-at-home-2.0] Add program for the Lintu robot

Added a new program to the project for Lintu - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Kiwi bird robot. link to the program

[Summer-Camps-1.0] Publish 8 WeDo robots

Here are the robots. They will be published soon.

4x4 is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/764-4x4by-lukasz

image of 4x4

Centrifuge is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/765-centrifuge

image of Centrifuge

Forklift is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/766-forklift-by-lucasz

image of Forklift

Helicopter is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/767-helicopter-by-lukasz

image of Helicopter

Launcher is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/768-launcher-by-lukasz

image of Launcher

Launcher Gate is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/772-launcher-gate-by-lukasz

image of Launcher Gate

Small Creature is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/769-small-creature-by-lukasz

image of Small Creature

Sweeper is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/770-sweeper-by-lukasz

image of Sweeper

Workshop Lift is located at https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/771-workshop-lift-by-lukasz

image of Workshop Lift


[Assignments-1.0, Content-Creation-2.0] Users that can not index a course can no assign this course to the group

When you visit the courses page you can filter by usage_type of the course. They are currently: Home, School, Competition.

Courses with Usage Type Filter

[Groups-1.0] User receives three emails when added to the platform and there are mistakes in the content.

The user receives a single email containing all the information he needs when he's enrolled/created via the groups show page.

[Groups-1.0] Show to the teacher the message that would be send to the user when he adds him to the group

The user that is enrolling another user into a group can now see what email will be sent and edit on the spot.

It is now much more clear where would the assigned content for a group come from. As a teacher you could click on the links at see it.

Available at https://www.fllcasts.com/groups

Image of assigned content info

[Groups-1.0] Add a description of the markdown support that we have on the student email field on the group edit page

There is now a clear description that we are using Markdown syntax to format the text of the email send to the student on the add groups page (https://www.fllcasts.com/groups)

Image of Markdown explanation

[Groups-1.0] Free space in the group are not calculated correctly when shown in the groups page

Fixed a bug where the 'Free spaces' row in the table would take into account group users who aren't students. The 'Free spaces' row should and will contain only the free spaces left for students in the group.

[Groups-1.0] On the assign group content section show the picture and name of the assigned content.

Currently when searching for a content to assign to a group, after you select the content you see the picture, and title and description of the content with a link to it.


Image of assigned content

[Groups-1.0] Strip the username/email when searching for username/email on the group user enroll form

When searching for a user to add to the group on the group page you enter the username or email of the user. If this username or email has white spaces on the front or at the back, than these are stripped.

[Groups-1.0] Change description of course section on the groups page to make it clear that this are not the courses in which students are enrolled, but which students are assigned.

Currently the text says " These are the courses assigned to students that you can track they progress on" which I think is much more clear for the teacher.

[Groups-1.0] Separation between waitlist and add user to group

The button for adding a new user to the group is separated from the Wailist table with a Heading. The heading is "Add New User to Group". I think this should make it pretty clear for the end teacher.

Go to https://www.fllcasts.com/groups and select a group

Image for add new group user form separation with waitlist

[Groups-1.0] Coordinators should be able to see the visible password only for students and not for other coordinators and teachers.

Coordinators and Instructors can only see students visible passwords. They can no longer see their own aswell

[Groups-1.0] Improvements on groups functions

Fields for selecting a datetime are now with a different UI that is supported by Firefox, which wasn't the case with the old UI.

[Groups-1.0] Add an option not to send anything about subscription to the user

Added an option in the subscriptions select box when adding a user to the group that doesn't include a subscription text in the email.

[Groups-1.0] Modal for selecting user does not work well with long usernames

Modal for selecting user is cleaned up. Picture of modal

Fixed a bug where the subscription link in the email with send to users who were just added to a group was broken.

[Groups-1.0] Email sent to user when enrolling through MGE

The user will receive an email when he enrolls himself into the group.

[Groups-1.0] Add a description of how the message to the user is edited on the enroll user in group

Added info for the email that will be sent when a user is enrolled into a group by another user.

[Groups-1.0] Emails sent to the users should be available in locale in which the instructor is currently at

Added BG translation to the emails that get sent to a user when the user enrolls himself into a group or when he is enrolled by another user into a group

[Groups-1.0, Bug] Having the same user as a student and an instructor/coordinator in the same group

Fixed a bug where: A single user who had both a group user with a coordinator/instructor role and a group user with a student role could not deleted the student group user.

[Groups-1.0, Bug] Cannot create group user with the same data as a deleted user

Fixed a bug where you couldn't create a group user with the same data as an soft deleted group user

[Groups-1.0, Doc] Complete tutorial 1260 that is about sending mails to users when they are enrolled into a group

The documentation tutorial on what messages are send to the user when he/she is added to the group is part of the documentation and is available at


It is included in the 4. How to manage your groups section in the User FLLCasts Productively course.



[Curriculum-1.0, Picture] Create picture for introduction in D2 lesson 4

Yacht thumbnail

[Curriculum-1.0, Picture] Create picture for making a triangle

Image explaining outer angle in triangle

[Curriculum-1.0, Pictures] Add picture to lesson 4 intro from 3.5


[Curriculum-1.0, Thumbnail] The Voli robot 761 needs a thumbnail



[Curriculum-1.0, Thumbnail] Create thumbnail for material 773


Supreme Yatch

[Curriculum-1.0, Thumbnail] Add thumbnail to the Laboratory 2.0 robot - 758



[Curriculum-1.0,Thumbnail] Create thumbnail for material 758


Steamship Simulator

[Curriculum-2.0, Pictures] Add picture to Tank Guns tutorial.

Miltary Parade

[FLL-7.0, Thumbnail] Create thumbnail for material 755


Carnival Competition

[FLL-7.0, Thumbnail] Create picture for program 3qwcl5



[FLL-7.0, Thumbnail] Create picture for program fahkyn



[FLL-7.0, Thumbnail] Create thumbnail for program w415dz and material 760





[FLL-7.0, Thumbnail] Create thumbnail for program 1zfoc7 and material 751

https://www.fllcasts.com/programs/1zfoc7 Program

https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/751 Robot

[FLL-7.0, Thumbnail] Create picture for program 2hpdg9 and material 566





[FLL-7.0,Thumbnail] Create picture for program hm9c06 and materials 743





[Picture, Curriculum-1.0] Create a picture of a triangle made of matches

Triangle from matches

[Picture, Curriculum-1.0] Create picture for how to make a square with a robot

Square Gyro Robot

[Robopartans] Create a new design for Rb Mladost brochure

New brochure Mladost


[IC-2.0] Give a quick feedback for all the missing parts in the repo

Merging from missing parts and main branches. The update includes the following new features:
1. During preprocessing all missing parts are collected and returned as single error
2. All of the operations are performed from single entry point i.e. main.py
3. The parser module and the export for stud.io modules are rewritten (simplified)
4. The configuration module is rewritten, no longer includes a configuration class
5. Some minor improvements in the preprocessing module