How to import/update groups and users with a CSV document in your subscription

Here is how you could import and update groups and users in your subscription using a simple CSV document. You can create many groups at once, or add users to a subscription, or add users to groups and everything needed for managing your subscription.

  • #855
  • 27 Apr 2018

Structure of the CSV document

The CSV document must have the following headers:


  • email - the email of the user that you are importing/referring
  • group - the name of the group. The use will be added to this group if not already in it.
  • role - the role of the user in the group. Valid values are 'student' and 'instructor'


  • role_in_subscription - the role of the user in the subscription. Valid values are 'owner', 'teacher', 'user'
  • username - a username that the user could use for login instead of email
  • firstname - firstname of the student
  • lastname - lastname of the student
  • password - the password of the user
  • phone1 - phone of the student parent
  • parentname - the name of the parent
  • parentemail - the email of the parent