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How to connect and control your car

Open bluetooth settings of your phone and connect to your Raspberry Pi. Open Robopartans Dot, refresh, click on your Raspberry name and wait for the big dot. Control your car by touching the dot.

  • #911
  • 12 Jul 2020



When you have already downloaded the Robopartans Dot, you should first go to bluetooth settings and pair with your car. On your phone go to Settings, then go to Bluetooth, there should be a list with the available to pair devices. Now search for the name of your Raspberry, click on it and wait for connection.

Open the Robopartans Dot. There should be a list with paired devices. If you don't see a list or in the listed devices, there is no item with your Raspberry's name just swipe down and it will refresh. Click on your Raspberry's name and wait for connection. If connection is succesfull you will see a big dot in the center of your screen. Touch the dot and your car will move.