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Organization: Robopartans

Group: 1909 София Младост - 2-3 клас Модул 3 - от 28 септември от 14:00-16:00 [Целогодишна група]

Elena avatar


Petar Pelovski avatar

Petar Pelovski

Виден Димитров avatar

Виден Димитров


Group Open for enrollment

End enrollment date: --
Current Vacancies: 7

Level C2. "Cooperation". Robotics with LEGO

The sixth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.

For the first time two different robots are required to solve a challenge. Students learn how to cooperate and find a common approach to the challenges and how to distribute their roles. Various robots are built, even a crane that loads a truck. Students use two sensors at the same time so that they find their target and find out whether their partner-robot is ready with their part of the challenge.


Level C1. "Transportation". Robotics with LEGO

This is the fifth level in the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.

For the first time robots with steering wheels are built in this level. Those robots use one or two drive motors. The work of the differential and its usage in vehicles is explored. Students learn in-depth the working of the light sensor to create better line-following programs. The first two-wheeled motorcycle-robot is built.