Инструкции за основа за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 с гуми 56mm, вариант 1. Тази основа може да се използва в състезания по роботика като FIRST LEGO League, World Robotics Olympiad и други.
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Building instructions delivered to your device by buildin3d.com
- #61
- 24 Jan 2016
- FIRST LEGO League, Robot Base Chassis, Nxt, EV3, Robot Base, FLL, Construction, Light and Color Sensor
За да го построите ще имате нужда от
- LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 Education Core
- LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45560 Education Resource
Bill of materials (Parts list)
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Robot Design Ideas for Chassis with Mindstorms EV3. Base 1
Five different robot chassis. This is the goal of the series. To present ideas for different design of the robots and especially the robot bases. If the base is stable and balanced, then in could easily be extended. Let's start with the most simple of the five.