Health Units M14 FIRST LEGO League 2020-2021 RePLAY Challenge

The robot collects health units from around the field and moves them to target areas.

  • #1673
  • 31 Aug 2020


If health units are:

  • Touching the RePLAY logo: 5 each
  • Touching the gray area around the bench: 5 each
  • Looped over a pull-up bar post as shown – and touching no equipment: 10 each; max 40

Picture of 1673-Health-Units-Scores


FLLCasts Tip

In order to accomplish this mission it is enough to push the Health Units to the corresponding place on the field. It would be better if your robot does that without the need of an attachment.

Attaching Units to the Pull-Up Bar gives more points, but you will need an attachment for that. We advise that attachment to be passive and release the Heath Units when it hits the Pull-Up Bar. You will need to remember that the maximum Units you can suspend on the bar is 4, if you suspend more you will not be awarded points for them

Courses and lessons with this Tutorial

This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Image for FIRST LEGO League 2020-2021 RePlay Solutions and review with SPIKE Prime
  • 74
  • 158:11
  • 15
Image for FIRST LEGO League 2020-2021 RePlay Solutions and review with Robot Inventor
  • 45
  • 49:04
  • 15