How to use the pick random block in LEGO SPIKE Prime Word Blocks software Pro Preview

Sometimes we don't need the robot to do the same and predictable things, but something random and unexpected! Here's how to do it!

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  • #2047
  • 01 Aug 2022

The random number block is the first in the Operators section.

Unlike the blocks from other sections, all those from the Operators section cannot be directly connected to the program. They are used to change a block, or rather the values ​​in it, as we would like. These blocks can be placed in all blocks that have a space of the correct shape.

In the random number picker box, we get a random number between the two entered numbers. We can use this number to change many blocks. For example, as shown in the video, we can program the robot to move a random number of centimeters forward.

The two settings of this block are the limits of the random number. By default, the random number is chosen from 1 to 10, but we can change it according to the task.

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