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Ranк of a student Pro Preview

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  • #1244
  • 27 Apr 2019

For each level, a certificate is issued for each student. That certificate among all contains a field called “rank” that contains a visual feedback to a student about how well he did in a level.
Those ranks have nothing to do with the common grades given is school, because they reflect both personal qualities, development, and knowledge of a student.

Personal qualities include discipline in classroom and attitude to the tasks.
Development reflects how the student has improved over levels. If the student is great but does not push himself compared to the previous level, his development is zero. If the student is good, but the previous level was poor or mediocre, his development is 1 or 2. Mathematically put, development is the first derivative of a student’s progress over time.
Knowledge is simply how many tasks has a student solved in class. This is easy to track with the help of the e-learning system.

Ranks occupy the range from 4 to 8

Rank of 8 is an exceptional student that does more than expected. He has pushed himself beyond his limits and/or has challenged the teacher with smart questions and the need of new or interesting tasks.
Rank of 7 is a good student, that solves all tasks given.
Rank of 6 is an OK student, that can’t solve all the tasks, but is trying.
Rank of 5 is on the edge of the knowledge required. It is clear, that he will struggle in a next level.

Rank of 4 must be given very rarely and means that the teacher wishes not the see that student again. The student and its parents must be explained that a healthy break for some two months is required and then the student must repeat the same level with more dedication.

One purpose of the ranks it to give universal information between teachers about a student. The other is to provoke a short discussion between teacher and student about the conduct and the further development of the student, in the end of a level. The third purpose is as a filter - students with ranks less than 7 cannot participate in а team for the FLL Competition.

A teacher should use the ranks as a motivational tool. For some students, lower rank could motivate them to perform better in a next level. For others, higher rank could motivate a student to defend the trust in his potential. A teacher needs to be able to evaluate the psychological impact of a given rank and the words that will be used when the rank is explained. A simple rule is that when you are in doubt about between two ranks, give the higher rank, that will make everybody happier!

Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок

Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.

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