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FLL 2022: Deliver - How to accomplish M09, M13, M01 - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Challenge Pro Preview

In this video tutorial, we demonstrate the accomplishment of three missions in a single run. The competition is FIRST LEGO League 2022/2023 SUPERPOWERED and the missions involve carrying and delivering a dinosaur toy, delivering energy units, and delivering the innovation project model.

  • #2214
  • 20 Oct 2023
  • 7:57

The interesting thing is that we've packed the missions with delivering. We deliver stuff. That is a good strategy when you are thinking about optimally grouping the missions. Most of the time, missions that involve delivering could easily be grouped as they involve mostly pushing objects while moving. For this, we could use passive attachments, actually as many as we want. Some may go at the front, others on the sides, and some even on the top of the robot.


In this video tutorial, we again accomplish three missions from the FIRST LEGO League SUPERPOWERED competition 2022/2023. The first is the Dinosaur Toy, where we move the dinosaur from one end of the field to the other. The second is Power-to-X, where we must bring these three batteries to the center of the field. We must drop them there, we must deliver them. And the third one is this Innovation Project. We must deliver this to the center of the field. For this, we use the Chain Monster with a really interesting attachment at the front, and we'll move the Chain Monster box robot from one end of the field to the other end of the field. Inside of the dinosaur, there is an additional battery, which brings additional points when we manage to deliver this battery to the other end of the field. That's it. Let's see how we accomplish these three missions. Start from base, move, deliver to the center, and deliver to the other base. Before we move to the programming, I want to stop for a moment at how we align this robot in the base, because we've seen that this is a huge problem for many teams. We pick a line. There is a thin line right there, and we align to this line and the border. This is how we start. We put the dinosaur on top of the robot and the batteries and the Innovation Project mission model at the front of the robot. Let's go into the programming. This is the program of the robot along with the recording for this mission. You can see again that the program is not very large and it has one 'my block'. Let's look at the program. This here is the program. I'll set it right like this and like this. We set motor rotation to 70.5 centimeters moved, motor 1 rotation. We set the movement speed to 50, set movement motors to A and B, and set movement motors to brake at stop. This is the default initialization, and in the previous tutorial for this specific review of this competition, we've entered into more details. We set the yaw angle to zero and we set this variable angle orientation to zero. And the good news is that this program is not very complex if you've watched the previous tutorial for this same robot in the course for SUPERPOWERED 2022/2023, because this whole program is just using this 'my block'. And this 'my block' does the following thing: move at an angle of zero for a length of two centimeters at the speed of 50. We start.

That is it. You saw this robot, it moved for two centimeters at the speed of 50. It's right here - from the start, two centimeters. Then the next thing is move at an angle of minus 65 for a length of 80 centimeters and a speed of 50, which means it turns right automatically to align to minus 65 degrees. And that's why this block is so powerful and so easy to use, because we just say, okay, move in this direction and it moves. It moves. It goes in this direction for 80 centimeters until it reaches right here - the center, where we must deliver the batteries along with the Innovation Project. Then we move back. How do we know that we move back? Because here, we have minus 50. We move back in the same direction. We don't rotate anywhere. Not only don't we rotate, but also we keep a straight line because of the algorithm that we've implemented in the move block. There is an algorithm there. We move back to about here, and you can see that there is some inertia, and the dinosaur at the top of the robot goes back. The robot stops and the dinosaur continues, which is a cool effect now that I look at the video. Then, the next step is to reach the base right here, the base. How do we reach the base? We move at an angle of minus 110 for a length of 120 centimeters. That's it. Let's rotate and go into the base. Easy. As long as we know how this move block works. In the previous tutorial, as I've mentioned already a few times, we've entered into great details about how this move block works. But it's a move block that we've implemented, and it seems to be useful for this review of this competition with this version of LEGO Scratch software. The LEGO SPIKE V3 is the current one. It seems to be working well, but it could be implemented even with previous versions, and I hope that LEGO doesn't break anything. It could be implemented in the next versions of the software. It's 'move at an angle for length and speed'. This is what the block looks like. It just moves at this angle for this amount of centimeters at this speed. Cool. I hope this is helpful. Download the program, try to experiment with the program, try to download this block and try to run it, try to re-implement this block on your own, because it can even run on robots that have different sizes of the wheels and the wheels are positioned in different ways. It could practically work for most robots, and with a few modifications, it could work for all robots. That's it for this tutorial. The next one is the 10 out of 10 for this same mission. You can already guess that it will be quite boring because the robot is quite consistent and reliable, but as a tradition at FLLCasts, we always record the 10 out of 10s. Let's go to the 10 out of 10s. See you there.

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Image for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 Super Powered solutions and review with Chain Monster box robot from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
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Image for Overview of M09, M13, M01 - Deliver with Chain Monster
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  • 3d_rotation 2
Image for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 Super Powered solutions and review with Chain Monster box robot from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
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Image for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 Super Powered solutions and review with Chain Monster box robot from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
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Image for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 Super Powered solutions and review with Chain Monster box robot from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
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Image for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 Super Powered solutions and review with Chain Monster box robot from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
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