How to generate random numbers in Python Pro Preview

When installing Python, a number of widely used libraries are also installed alongside it. One such library is the "random" library. This library allows us to generate random numbers in between a range defined by us.

At every start of the program, they will be different, but sometimes they will match. They are random after all!

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  • #1556
  • 06 Mar 2020

In order to use this library, we must import it first. For this purpose, you must add the following line to the beginning of your program:

import random

Now we can use the commands in this library!

In order to generate a random number, we can use the random.randint() command. This command has two input parameters:

  1. The smallest number it can select;
  2. The largest number it can select.

Here's an example where we write a random number between 0 and 10 in a variable named "secret_number":

secret_number = random.randint(0, 10)

If you wish to learn more about how these random numbers are generated, you can follow this linkThere you will find a detailed explanation on how the random library works.

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