Инструкции за робот, построен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Казва се Франкенщайн, тъй като двата мотора са противоположни.
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Building instructions delivered to your device by buildin3d.com
- #77
- 28 Feb 2016
- Robot Base Chassis, EV3, Robot Base, Classes with students, Construction, Programming, Light and Color Sensor
За да го построите ще имате нужда от
- LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 Education Core
- LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45560 Education Resource
Bill of materials (Parts list)
Modules Navigation
EV3 Robot with Motors in Opposite Directions. The Frankenstein. Part 1
Motors can be placed in opposite directions... opposite .. directions. Robo-builders might have difficulties imagining it so we have build one. One of the motors facing forward, the other backward. It is interesting how this robot turns.