Programs -
  • Line follow
  • LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
  • Container

These are all the programs for the different robots. By visiting each program you could download and use it and see the Tutorials and Courses in which it is used. 


Image for Scratch (Word Blocks) program for simple (2 states) line follow with Color Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
  • #30mt5i
  • 10 Aug 2022
Image for Scratch (Word Blocks) program for a multiple states algorith for line follow with Color Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
  • #nkyhzr
  • 10 Aug 2022
Image for Scratch (Word Blocks) program with an a advanced algorithm for smooth line follow with Color Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
  • #zlb4ke
  • 10 Aug 2022
Image for Scratch (Word Blocks) program for follow a line and stop at an intersection with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
  • #svy2oz
  • 10 Aug 2022
Image for Scratch (Word Blocks) program for follow a line and stop at a second intersection with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
  • #5tjgvi
  • 10 Aug 2022
Image for Program for Calix - LEGO SPIKE Prime carrying robot
  • #p6ldyr
  • 04 Aug 2020