You can use the brick to check the color the color sensor detects in the following way:

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- #828
- 30 Mar 2018
Similarly, you can check the value in reflected light mode:
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level C1. "Transportation". Robotics with LEGO
This is the fifth level in the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
For the first time robots with steering wheels are built in this level. Those robots use one or two drive motors. The work of the differential and its usage in vehicles is explored. Students learn in-depth the working of the light sensor to create better line-following programs. The first two-wheeled motorcycle-robot is built.
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Lesson 4 - Robotic car
Every year, thousands of people die in car accidents. One possible solution is to use robotic cars, which will potentially lower the number of accidents caused by human error. The problem with robotic cars is that there isn't an easy way for them to navigate properly along the road.
How can robots navigate properly along the road? Would you travel in a robotic car?
In the next few lessons we will be using lines that the cars can follow along their road. Many people are scared to travel in robotic cars, because of the lack of control and sometimes technology can fail. That's why our goal is to make a car with no errors, so there would be no incidents with people.
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Level C2. "Cooperation". Robotics with LEGO
The sixth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
For the first time two different robots are required to solve a challenge. Students learn how to cooperate and find a common approach to the challenges and how to distribute their roles. Various robots are built, even a crane that loads a truck. Students use two sensors at the same time so that they find their target and find out whether their partner-robot is ready with their part of the challenge.
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Lesson 5 - Relay game
Remember to provide feedback to students regularly. It's important to give structured feedback in the form of a grade. Today, you'll need to grade your students following this article.
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Level B2. "Military Technologies". Robotics with LEGO
The firfth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in second, third or fourth grades.
The students build many robots with chain-treads. The Color Sensor is introduced and robots use it to recognize the colors of the objects around them. Students learn about gears, basic gear constructions, and their application. Robots now can stop on a black line and can follow a line using their sensor.
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Lesson 1 - Color Sensor
In this course, we will construct different military vehicles and constructions.
Have you seen, probably in movies, how people use small light sticks to help airplanes land. These sticks are use to help drivers of heavy vehicles navigate in traffic without accidents.
In today's' lesson we will build an Ammo Truck. We will attach to it a new sensor - color sensor. We will learn more about it, how it works and how to program it. Later, we will use it to give different commands to the truck.
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Robotics with LEGO - Level 2.0 - Robots in Factories
The third level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students from fifth to twelfth grades.
Robots in this level use two or three sensors at a time and students create more complex programs for them. The work of the differential and its usage in vehicles with one drive motor is explored. Robots interact with each other and transfer information or material between themselves. Students learn in depth how to create smoother line-following programs. In the end of the workday, robots leave the conveyor belt and relax with a recreational game of volleyball.
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Instructors Remote Training
If you are working with students and you want to introduce Robotics to your class or you want to mentor a FLL team, but you are insecure about your technical knowledge in the Robotics field, then this is the right place for you. Having in mind teachers' busy schedule, we have design two different schedules and added an option to design one just for you. FLLCasts's Mindstorms EV3 Robotics Online Training is the perfect match for any teacher.
After the completion of each task the participant has to upload his solution for verification.
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Color Sensor
What is color?
If I ask you what the color of the ball on the picture below is, you will surely answer red without hesitation. All of you know what is meant when we talk about the color of an object, but what is actually color? This is one of the most natural concepts whose meaning and origin people often fail to realize.
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