Инструкции за LEGO Mindstorms EV3 робот, който наричаме петминутен, понеже може да се построи за пет минути.
Внимание: Ако роботът не завива еднакво заради пода, променете конструкцията така че стоманеното топче да е по-назад. По този начин центърът на тежестта ще бъде разпределен към гумите и роботът ще завива по-добре.
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- #265
- 18 Mar 2017
- Robot Base Chassis, EV3, Construction, Robot Base, Basic, Classes with students
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- LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 Education Core
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Importance of the construction balance on the LEGO Mindstorms robot movement
The balance of the construction of the robot has a great influence on how it will move. This is especially true if you would like to move in a straight line. If the robot is slightly heavier on the right it will move to the right. Here we have two robots - a Five Minute robot and a Box Robot and we will discuss the differences in the constructions and why the box robot is much better than the Five Minute even though it is using the same parts.
Importance of the wheels and tires on the LEGO Mindstorms robot movement
DIfferent wheels and tires will result in different behaviour of the robot. That is actually pretty common sense. The real question is what is the influence. Would the robot make smaller deviations if it has smaller wheels or it will make larger deviations? The tires could also be quite dirty or brand new. Or the wheels could be attached in different ways.
Front or Rear wheel drive for more precise LEGO Mindstorms robot movement?
Should the robot be with a Front Wheel Drive or a Rear Wheel Drive to make it more precise? The answer is - front wheel will probably give you better results, but the wheel drive is not the most important thing. In this video tutorial on the LEGO Mindstorms Robots, we will do a few experiments to discuss the influence of the wheel drive on the precision of the movement.
Importance of the caster ball on the LEGO Mindstorms robot movement
You could use the LEGO Steel Balls as a third wheel on the robot. It is a caster wheel. But this is steel and as we know from basic existence on this planet, where there is steel there is also rust. The steel ball could get quite rusty and this could have an influence on the behaviour of the robot